A play session filmed as feedback for the level showcasing the gameplay with bots.
The first pass for the level blockout. This was filmed during a feedback session in class.
A walkthrough of the blockout without any bots.
Wellspring is a multiplayer map designed for Unreal Engine 5's Lyra Project using the Elimination gametype. The map is designed to be played in a 4v4 or 5v5 match with a mirrored layout focused on the central area. The player can move around the central area, utilizing cover, to flank opponents or rush into the center for a slug-fest. Teleports allow for rapid movement across the map while jump pads offer quick paths around some of the areas with minor risk. Numerous health and weapon pickups are spread around the map to ensure that players are able to quickly arm themselves or attempt to heal during battle.
One design focus that I chose was to create an equal amount of long, medium, and short range combat potential. The central and perimeter paths are designed to frequently break long line-of-sight to afford players momentary safety and cover. The perimeter paths are designed to allow the player to flank the central area with some safety but also isolate them temporarily from other path options.
The level was completed in three weeks with blockout taking roughly one week while gameplay and testing occupied the remaining time. The assignment was part of a class focused on Level Design, with this assignment meant to explore creating a multiplayer arena. We were tasked with creating a map for the Lyra Starter Game that fit with the existing gameplay and designs in the project.